Tuesday, 7 April 2020

The roman numbers

The roman numbers

As the name suggests, the roman numbers is given by rome. From the 14th century, the arabic number is used instead of the roman number. It took time for this change to happen. Even today, roman numbers are used in many places. So let's understand it in easy way-
As we know, some symbols represent some numbers. They are as follows-

Numbers   Denoted as
1 -I
5 - V
10 - X
50  - L
100 -C
500  -D
1000 -M
5,000  - 
10,000 - 
50,000  - 
100,000 -
500,000  -
1,000,000 - 

Now, let's use these symbols to write roman numerals and easy way to understand it.
(For now, let's use symbols till M)

Here are some roman numbers which are designated by following Arabic numbers-
Table 1

Now, you may understand the following table
Table 2

Now, you must be wondering that why 40 is written in this way. To know this just follow the table no. 1
By following table 1, you will be able to understand the next table also
Table 3

If you could understand all of these then congratulations, now you have become the champion of writing roman numbers.
Go and try some more.
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