Saturday, 28 March 2020

Birth of earth


Earth  is the only planet where there is life in the entire galaxy. We know this thing, but today we will know where life came from on this earth.
We know that galaxy means the group of stars and today we will know more about the star called sun.

Sun belongs to the galaxy called the milky way. There are about 100 thousand million stars in the milky way alone.
Galaxy has about 500 solar systems and one of them is our solar system. The formation of this solar system took place about 4.5 billion years ago.
System of planets and sun

When a big cloud of dust and smoke began to flow and gather due to gravity, it started taking the shape of a disc called solar Nebula and it became a big burning ball of smoke. That's how the sun formed.

Our sun is the biggest object in the solar system. It is so big that it's surrounding rocks and gases left over after its formation started joining together and hence this solar system, system of sun and planets, formed and so our earth.
Starting period of formation of earth 

In the beginning, it was just a hot fiery ball which had carbon dioxide, nitrogen and other gases. Oxygen was not there at that time.
At the time when earth was being formed, another new planet named Theia collided with the earth and some part of earth came out of it and started gathering, which also started to rotate in the earth's gravity. This leads to formation of moon.

 Gradually, the fall of the meteoroids on the earth also decreased and the surface of the earth started to solidify. With the change of time, the lava inside the earth started coming out of the volcanoes and many other gases, which reacted and formed water vapour and hence, cloud formation took place.
For years, the water falling from the clouds started solidifying lava to give rise to the earth and also gave birth to the oceans.
 Due to oceans, many living creatures started to arise and completely changed the earth.

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