Tuesday, 15 December 2020

Election process in India

 Parliament of india is supreme legislative of republic of india.

  • Organs of government 

  1. Legislatur ➡ makes laws for the country
  2. Executive ➡implements laws in the country 
  3. Judiciary  ➡protect laws in the country
  • Three levels of government
                     Central government 
                        State government 
                       Local government (At village level called panchayati Raj)

Head of nation=President 
Head of government =Prime minister

Parliament of india comprises of President and the two houses- Rajya sabha( upper house) and Lok sabha ( lower house).
The basic function of the parliament is to make laws for the country with the help of these two houses ( chambers). This amendment bill must be passed by each house of the parliament and there after is implemented in the country after approval of the president.
  • Elections at differenet levels for direct representative 
MLA= member of legislative assembly 
MLC= member of legislative council 
MP=  member of parliament 

  • Types of elections-
Central legislative body

According to constitution of india, Rajya sabha comprises of 250 seats where as Lok sabha comprises of 545 seats. These members meet in the parliament. These meetings are held under the president  who has the right to call or cancel these meetings.

  • Lok Sabha Election
Lok sabha elections are held in every 5 years and its members are directly elected by the people of india by voting. Lok sabha has a total of 545 seats, out of which 2 seats are nominated by the president for Anglo- Indian community.


Out of these 543 seats, the party which wins with the majority votes, forms the government. There after the leaders of the winning party becomes Prime Minister.

  • Rajya Sabha Elections
Rajya Sabha members are indirectly elected by the people. There is a total of 250 seats in the Rajya Sabha, out of which 238 members are elected btly the MLAs of different states and union territories. The remaining 12 members are appointed by the president of india.

  • State Assembly Elections
The MLA of every state is directly elected by the people by voting. These elections are also held in every 5 years like in Lok Sabha election.

After election, whichever party wins with majority, forms its government in that state. And the leader of that party is selected as a Chief Minister of that state by the MLAs.


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